Friday, December 14, 2007

Scientists throw mother nature off balance... again. This time with cats that GLOW!

I was welcomed this morning to an interesting link (thanks Mykal!) about scientists in South Korea that have decided to clone cats AND also throw in a very odd twist, they have made them glow in the dark!

When I saw the images my first thought was, "Woot! I can't wait to get one of my own". It would be awesome to show off my glow in the dark cat to everyone!

I haven't read up enough on cloned animals, but does this mean that I can cross breed a glow in the dark cat with a standard house cat and then have some interesting hybrids running around my house? The possibilities might be endless... but, would these hybrids need to be charged in the light in order to make them glow in the dark or do they automatically glow once the lights are out?

The cats that the scientists cloned glow under fluorescent lights which definitely means I will have to buy some more black lights for my room. ;) I was intrigued by what the scientists had to do just to make this possible.

Here's what the researchers say they did: They took skin cells from Turkish Angora female cats and used a virus to insert the genetic instructions for making red fluorescent protein. Then they put the gene-altered nuclei into eggs for cloning. The cloned embryos were implanted back into the donor cats, which effectively became the surrogate mothers for their own clones.

Four kittens were born by Caesarian section, but one of them died during the procedure, according to the Korea Times. The fact that the kittens' skin cells glowed under ultraviolet light served as evidence that they were really gene-altered clones.

I am going to add this to the strange scientific creations list... This glowing cats story made my day.


Struggling Parents said...

There is a youtube video on this, which is bizarre, glow in the dark clone cats...great topic !!!

Free.Hat said...

Thanks so much for the tip, Mee M0e! This is the vid I found on YouTube for the Glowing Cats story.

Freaking awesome view into these lil glowing kitties world.

I had seen a story covered on Fox news but it didnt have a good few seconds of the cats doing stuff - like blinking and just being a cat like this vid has, lol.

I wonder what else this type of technology will be used for... the world may never know. ;)